Watch: Fountaineer - Grand Old Flags

Watch: Fountaineer - Grand Old Flags

When you’re growing up there’s often an artist or two your parents will play on repeat. For me it was Bruce Springsteen and Paul Kelly to the extent that I know word for word the time when my mum was flicked by Springsteen’s sweat. Sometimes it also becomes Bono, lead singer of U2, depending on how mum was feeling. But the point is Grand Old Flags hits deep with vocals akin to Bruce Springsteen and a writing style akin to songwriters who wrote about the American dream. Indeed, it re-imagines a time that never existed but one many of us dream of still. It’s almost like a love letter to something never fully achieved. Grand Old Flags is a fantastic start to the Bendigo-based band Fountaineer whose debut album This Town’s Ablaze is expected out later this year.


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