PSA: Instagram is giving you the option of a more chronological feed

PSA: Instagram is giving you the option of a more chronological feed

They're testing a "New Posts" button so you can get that good nu-nu.

If you follow us on INSTAGRAM you'll probably notice we share the ocassional MEME cos ~banter~ and ~lols~ and ~good times~ and most important of all, ~friendship~. 

Anyway one thing we love to do is bitch about is Instagram's refusal to take us back to the good old days of the chronological news feed, instead showing us shit from five days ago, or sponsored things, or whatever garbage they decide they think we want to see.

insta feed chronological

Well just today they've announced some "changes to improve your newsfeed", which is basically a greenlight for people like who us love to whinge and complain about shit to keep doing it and eventually we'll get our own way. In the announcement, Instagram said:

"Today we’re introducing changes to give you more control over your feed and ensure the posts you see are timely.

"We’ve heard it can feel unexpected when your feed refreshes and automatically bumps you to the top. So today we’re testing a “New Posts” button that lets you choose when you want to refresh, rather than it happening automatically. Tap the button and you’ll be taken to new posts at the top of feed — don’t tap, and you’ll stay where you are. We hope this makes browsing Instagram much more enjoyable."

So it's not like fully going back to chronological, but giving you some kinda option to try and get there yourself, kinda. It goes on to say:

"Based on your feedback, we’re also making changes to ensure that newer posts are more likely to appear first in feed. With these changes, your feed will feel more fresh, and you won’t miss the moments you care about. So if your best friend shares a selfie from her vacation in Australia, it will be waiting for you when you wake up. Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing more about improvements we’re making to feed. Our goal is to be the best place to share and connect with the people and interests that matter most to you."

Look, it's not a full win, but it's a start. So keep whinging, keep complaining, keep making memes about it, and maybe one day we'll get back to good old days (of when Instagram was different to what it is now, like two years ago).

insta feed article 2

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