Introducing Novaa and her mesmerising debut single/video, Club Paradise

Introducing Novaa and her mesmerising debut single/video, Club Paradise

The Berlin-based musician bursts out the gates with a captivating debut single that demands your attention.

There's a lot of power in bursting out the gate with an incredible debut single, and Berlin's Novaa seems to have absolutely smashed it with her own first taste, Club Paradise. Taken from her upcoming album of the same name, Club Paradise is a confident and commanding electro-pop single that mixes the characteristic traits of this genre with some far more dark, hazy and mysterious. Uniting her unique vocals with a relatively washed-out and orchestral instrumental, Novaa is serving up a unique twist on pop music which has already seen the 21-year-old join some big international festival line-ups - Melt! and SXSW among them. The single is now joined by an official video clip that really solidifies the single's general sound and what Novaa wants you to take away from her debut single: "When we thought about an idea for Club Paradise we really wanted it to be subtle and open for interpretation so everyone can find his/her very own story in the video," she says. "The only important thing to me was that the main feeling of the video is both liberating and vulnerable. I’m curious what other people will find in it. That's what "Club Paradise" is about for me; there is no truth just your truth."

With some possible Australian tour dates looming soon, we caught up with Novaa to better know her, what she's about, and her magical debut single Club Paradise.

Tell us about yourself?

I am Novaa. I like being creative, writing songs and Ableton. 21 yrs ago I was born and in those 21 yrs I’ve been collecting every input I needed to write my debut album Club Paradise.

What’s the vibe music-wise?

I really like combining warm and cold sounds which seem to be contrary in the first place, for my latest single that was mixing orchestral elements with electronic textures and beats. But the most important thing to me with my music is for it to be raw and honest. Every song I write has to be able to develop freely so that the listener can breathe freely while listening to it.

What are your production and writing processes like?

I have very different ways of writing or producing a song. Sometimes I start writing on the piano, sometimes I have a beat first and sometimes songs come out of nowhere without me really being involved.

Can you tell us about your new single, Club Paradise?

Club Paradise is not only the first single but also the title of my debut album. The song represents the whole album. I was working on it for over a year and it helped me free myself from a lot of rules and constraints that I was living by. Novaa means new and if you want to create new things you have to be brave and fearless which I wasn’t. Club Paradise was a liberation for me as an artist and a person.

Any shows coming up?

We’re playing Melt! Festival in Germany this summer. It will be the first time of playing Club Paradise live.

What’s the rest of the year have in store for you?

We recorded a string session of this and a few other songs which I am very excited to share with you.

Where can we find more of your music?

Spotify and Soundcloud. I can’t wait for the album to be released so I can share more tracks with you.

Follow Novaa: FACEBOOK

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