The Chaser tried (and failed) a trust exercise with Malcolm Turnbull today

The Chaser tried (and failed) a trust exercise with Malcolm Turnbull today

So perfectly executed.

Oh The Chaser, how we've missed thee. While your Media Circus program has been keeping us sated, it feels like forever since the daring days of your War On Everything. A show, that was probably ahead of its time in terms of #content and #internet #virality. The number of those skits that would be rocking up the millions and millions of Facebook views would be astronomical, and with another election around the corner, it seems like The Chaser are ready to get back into the game. Confronting Malcom Turnbull in western Sydney this morning, Chas Licciardello decided to put Prime Minster Turnbull's recent assertions as the more trusted leader to the test, employing the tried and true 'trust fall' on the PM.

It went about as well as one would have hoped.

Sydney Morning Herald caught up with Licciardello afterwards afterwards, who had this to say: "I was ready for that concussion. But I think the feds [security agents] broke my fall to be honest. They were very good humoured about it... It's not the first time they've saved me."

This election is suddenly looking a lot more exciting with The Chaser around.

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