Meet Lisa Caruso, whose rocking a new sound on her new single/video, Shake Baby Shake

Meet Lisa Caruso, whose rocking a new sound on her new single/video, Shake Baby Shake

The Sydney-based songstress is channeling some serious PJ Harvey vibes atm.

Following on a forced break due to illness and a trip to London, Sydney-based artist Lisa Caruso has returned with a new vibe on latest single, Shake Baby Shake. Channelling her inner 90s rock goddess, the latest single is a sinister, sultry new jam that instantly draws you in. As you'll read below, she's been hard at work with guitarist Benjamin Fletcher (Sarah Blasko, Marina & The Diamonds) working on a swag of new tunes, and Shake Baby Shake is just the first taste of plenty more goodness to come.

Check it all out below:

Tell us about yourself?

Back in High School, people would say "Oh that Lisa, she's so blunt". I think they meant "honest", hah. I guess there's the positive in becoming a singer/songwriter. I'm pretty unafraid to share, and I don't mind confrontation if it means sorting shit out. I'm not as stubborn as I used to be, but I'm terribly inpatient. I'm a passionate person that loves big, and I'm all about the small things.

What kinda tunes we talkin?

I've been told a few times that my songs could be taken from a David Lynch film. I love a soundtrack, and I love to tell an exaggerated story. I think that comes from being drawn to 60s pop music. Structures are sometimes a little unconventional because I run with a feeling, but there's always a modern element that reels them back in. The new tunes have a 90s indie kind of nostalgia to them, and they're a lot more ballsy this time round. There are quite a few songs now that I have been told are "bangers", hah! I think people will be presently surprised with the next single. 

Production/writing process?

Guitar, bed/couch/floor, note pad, pen. Play with an idea, record the idea, go to the kitchen and get a snack, repeat. I usually leave a song alone after a verse/chorus and come back to it later. Production on these new set of songs began with pen pal-ing Ben back and forth. We chatted music we love, and made rough plans. I then took a trip to London where he was living at the time. We demoed, and then went straight into the studio.

Can you tell us about your new single, Shake Baby Shake?

This one's bit of a slow burn. It's about having an invisible illness, so I wanted to translate the ongoing ride that it is. Production wise, once that Baritone guitar made its mark, there was no turning back! It definitely set the mood. I've also been getting into a lot of 90s indie/alternative music. I was very excited about the tight drum machine vibe that made its way in, and I wanted to make sure that other parts were brash and bold.

Here's a live solo version of Shake Baby Shake that we filmed in a Frida Kahlo-inspired Air BnB in Potts Point, Sydney:

Any shows coming up?

Yes! The single launch party is happening at the Petersham Bowling club on December 8th with the full band.

What's the rest of the year have in store?

Busy busy rolling into the silly season. Some shows, and some more recording! Ben will be in town, so we're heading into the studio to finish the album.

Where can we hear more of your music?

At the single launch if you're in Sydney! I will be playing all the new songs with the band. Otherwise, my debut EP is out there floating around. It's a little different to the new stuff.

Follow Lisa Caruso: FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM 

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