Watch: Erasers - A Breeze

Watch: Erasers - A Breeze

Acclaimed Boorloo-based duo give mesmerising next taste of forthcoming third album

With their next album Constant Connection releasing next month, today Erasers gift us with A Breeze. A psychedelic, hypnotic blend of guitars, drum machines, organs and synths that swirl and craft a visceral sonic landscape - that the official music video puts into reality, shot around the South West of WA and showing off the beauty of Noongar land.

As always with Erasers, vocalist Rebecca Orchard’s stark, commanding voice cuts through the miss, lyrically raising awareness off and grappling with the unfortunateperpetual crisis of women feeling unsafe, walking alone at night”. Of the track, the duo say:

“This was the first song written for the album and set the blueprint for the rest of the record. Structured drums, bass synth, keyboard drones set the tone of the track. Sporadic vocal repetitions and guitar flourishes come and go, with high end intermittent keyboard melodies. While our song making process is rarely to make a song with a set theme, structure or goal in mind, at the time of writing this song there was (and still is) a heavy and devastating crisis of women feeling unsafe walking alone at night. It’s interesting that the words that resonated at the time were the ones that ended up in this song on repeat.”


Erasers’ new album Constant Connection is out April 22 via Fire Talk

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