Printout: 6K Kids by Arlo Himes

Printout: 6K Kids by Arlo Himes

Welcome to 'Printout' where once a week we and our like-minded friends review and take you through zines and other printed material that we love and or you send us!

Arlo Himes is an American born Western Australian based photographer and he recently put together a self published zine called 6k Kids. This was one of the first submissions we got as part of this section and with us being Perth based we're always going to respond kindly to other people that seem to have the same love affair with this city that we do! A great little zine because Perth and some solid photos as well! Pick up 6K Kids HERE


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Follow Arlo Himes: Instagram / Tumblr

We love zines, we love print and so do a hell of a lot of you! So in light of this, we'll be pulling one zine off our shelves once a week to tell you a little bit about what you're missing out on. Want to have the chance to have your title reviewed on here or be a reviewer yourself?

Shoot an email to for more details!


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