There's An Exhibition With Bill Murray's Face On Buildings

There's An Exhibition With Bill Murray's Face On Buildings

Pretty much what the title says but it's in the UK not Australia...

There's a little blurb on the BALTIC's website, the gallery hosting the Bill Murray exhibition, from Brian Griffith, the artist who designed the exhibition, that sums up the brilliance of Murray, "Bill Murray is always authentic. He is consistently ‘BILL MURRAY’. His singularity breaks into irreducible ambiguities and contradictions – Bill the global superstar, the guy-next-door, anti-brand brand, irrepressible lothario, dignified clown and droll philosopher. This exhibition takes these and many other characteristics as an approach, turning them into a fantasy caricature and a poetic tableau of scaled down architecture and collections." And how true that is. Sure he isn't part of some of the stellar films that he was involved with when he was younger but he's still so damn enjoyable to watch. 

The art exhibition looks like so:

Brian Griffiths BILL MURRAY BALTIC Level 4 

It's pretty much just Bill Murray's face on things, which seems like a great art project. In plain english the idea behind Griffith's exhibition is to show how Murray can fit into any situation, any moment because he chooses to do and say as he feels. Which in theory sounds a bit silly but when you think about Bill Murray, unlike many celebrities, he doesn't seem to really care what people think, he does what he wants because he enjoys it and in many ways that just increases his profile. There's also a video featuring a lot of choice cuts from the exhibition and a more sophisticated explanation from Brian Griiffith about it:


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