Sharknado returns (somehow) for a ridiculous fourth instalment
Featuring men fighting sharks with their crotch.
Sharknado was released way back in 2013, taking the world by storm (heh) with its ‘so bad it’s funny’ goodness. In all honesty, film fans should have been more prepared for what Sharknado was going to be. Combining sharks and tornados, Jaws and Twister, whilst throwing Tara Reid a starring role, is a recipe for campy, face-palm worthy hilarity. Somehow, however, all of that ridiculousness has translated to Sharknado sequels, and that's where things have become even stranger. Sharknado 2 has come and gone, Sharknado 3 dropped and vanished, and now we have Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens. Or, as what it will inevitably better be known as, ‘the film in which a male stripper beats a shark with his groin’.
If you're curious as to whether that was some kind of typo, watch the film’s first teaser trailer below, and watch for it to air July 31 on the SyFy Channel.