Follow The Isles Of Scilly Police Force Now

Follow The Isles Of Scilly Police Force Now

A police force of five people, a cat, and their point social media game.

"Like Heartbeat but less frenetic. Not completely crime free but with community support you will have to hunt long and hard to find an egg cup full."

Yes you read that right. The Isles Of Scilly Police (pronounced ‘silly’) FACEBOOK PAGE has very quickly become "the most viewed British Police Facebook Page west of Cornwall," that now enjoys "higher rates of engagement than the likes of The Met Office, The British Army, 10 Downing Street and all other police FB sites." For those unaware of that there ever existed a place pronounced ‘silly’ it’s located here:

ISLES of scilly map

With a population of only 2,200 people in Scilly and 9000+ (and rising rapidly) Facebook likes the team running their page have either found out about bots or have located a cracking social media team amongst their humble populus. In my opinion it’s the latter, with some rivetings posts. There's the case of the broken Football shed and the fried egg...

isles of scilly egg

...or the time they performed CPR on a goldfish that was attacked by PC Mowgli, who you will recognise from the header image (yes, it works as a police officer there). But I think the trump post goes to PC ‘lie detector’ Mowgli.

In summary the Isles Of Scilly Police Force are not the heroes we need, they're the ones we deserve.

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